Eichendorffstr. 5 i
46242 Bottrop
Phone: +49 2041 308540-1
Fax: +49 2041 308540-6
E-Mail: mining@jacobi-partner.de
The Experts you can rely on
J&P has access to a global network of “best in field” specialists to analyze and optimize your case and provide the appropriate solution for the customer.
J&P specialists are familiar with most of the bulk minerals traded globally. This refers especially to hard coal, lignite, iron ore, rock phosphate et al.
We currently maintain 2 commodity teams, which are a hard coal & lignite team and a hard rock team.
The hard coal represented by (click on the name to see brief resumes):
Prof. Dr.-Ing Hans Jacobi
Mr Jacobi is the Managing Partner of Jacobi and Partner Industrieberatung GmbH. He has spent many years in senior management positions in the mining industry, including his most recent position of CEO of a Public Stock Corporation. During his tenor, Hans was responsible for production, restructuring of mines, development of new adjacent mines, as well as new-construction and restructuring of coking plants. He prepared, moderated and carried out extensive change processes under his control, and built up international business for the Group.
Responsibilities and experience as Chief Executive Officer:
- Operation of “Walsum Coal Mine”
- Planning and construction of the new coal mine “Voerde”
- Restructuring of coal preparation plants
- Responsible for 7 coal mines and 5 coking plants
- Experience in explosion and flameproof protection
- Experience in operational safety and environmental protection at mining
sites, metallurgy and coking plants - Experience in concluding large, complex, new development and restructuring
Dr.-Ing. Joachim Geisler
Joachim has worked in the mining industry for more than 30 years. He started his career in operations of a deep level coalmine, and rose to the level of general mine manager. With this operational background, he successfully re-positioned a German longwall supplier in US. Together with is team, he made his company the market leader for United States and Australian underground mines. His experience in open pit mines has been gleaned from his 10 year tenure as CEO of a lignite producer in Mid Germany.
Joachim has been involved in successfully concluding many M&A projects in Australia, USA, South America, Poland and Germany.
During his career, he has occupied the following positions:
COO of all German underground coalmines holding,
CEO of a 3 billion € company in the energy, environmental and restructuring business.
Responsibilities and experience:
- Strong leadership in operations of midsize and large companies
- Excellent track record in restructuring of coal companies and longwall equipment supplier in Germany, Poland, USA and Australia
- Successful M&A projects concluded in Germany, USA, Canada, Australia and South America
Michael Loos
Michael has been working in the mining industry for more than 45 years, particularly in coal, iron ore, base metals and rock phosphate deposits. He spent more than 15 years of his career working in senior positions at RAG, Germany’s dominant hard coal producer and over 2 years as Senior Consultant for DMT GmbH & Co. KG, whereof almost a decade as Managing Director of DMT Consulting GmbH. From where he stepped out in 2019. Since that time, he is engaged with Jacobi & Partner and is driving the International Mining Consulting business of the company.During his career, Michael was involved in planning as well as in operations. As a process design engineer he was responsible for the technological development of the CPPs of “BAG Lippe” an operating company of RAG. Following this position Michael decided to change “the sides” and went into the operation of a 7 mtpy coking coal beneficiation plant as General Manager. After almost a decade in operations, the next step was into the international consulting business as a Senior Consultant with “Montan Consulting GmbH”, which was merged in the year 2000 with “DMT International GmbH” to “DMT Montan Consulting GmbH and in a later stage to “DMT Consulting GmbH”. Where he was until 2019 one of the Managing Directors. His particular strength lies in his senior management and engineering experience in processing projects of various nature (coal, iron ore, rock phosphate) as well as the successful business development and implementation of “mine to port” project all around the globe.
Michael holds excellent language and communications skills in German (+++), English (+++), French (++)
His experience gained from some of the previous, selected projects are listed below:
- Due Diligence Exercises for various Clients to preparing acquisition of assets
- Analyses of 2 coal processing plant of AcelorMittal Temirtau in Kazakhstan and development of modernization concepts to adjust process technology to changing market conditions
- Basic Design for a coking coal beneficiation plant of Uvalnaya, Kuzbass, Russia (in operation (5.0 mtpy)
- Bankable Feasibility Study for the development of Tebinbulak, titan0-magnetite deposit in Uzbekistan
- Basic Design for the iron ore processing for the Bankable Feasibility Study Expansion of the Shougang Hierro Perú S.A.A. iron ore mine, Peru
- Expert Witness at the International Commercial Court of Singapore in a dispute between Bayan Resources (IN) and White Energy (AUS) regarding the technical capability of binderless briquetting for Indonesian sub bituminous coals to successfully rejecting a 90 m$ claim of White Energy.
Dipl.-Ing. Jochen Schwerdtfeger
Jochen Schwerdtfeger is Mining and Process Engineer, with graduation from Clausthal Mining University. He started his 40 years of career in coal and minerals processing with KHD Humbold Wedag AG as Process Engineer, commissioning coal preparation plants all over the world. He went through several senior management positions up to CEO of KHD’s global Coal Processing activities, and kept that position when McNally Bharat took over KHD’s Coal and Minerals business lateron. Actual he is Owner and Senior Consultant of the CCMP (Consultancy Coal & Minerals Processes), which is active in all fields of Coal and Minerals beneficiation, from first feasibility studies via planning up to commissioning of systems and complete plants.
Experiences gained in previous positions:
- Commissioning and Operation of “Fankechuang Coal Washery”, China, 2 years
- Research studies in Coal, mainly in flotation and jig improvement
- Development of highly efficient dewatering filters and centrifuges
- Planning of beneficiation plants for coal and minerals all over the world
- Research and planning in efficient deshaling plants for raw coal, mine mouth
- Development of recycling projects for coal and metal dumps and ponds
- Restructuring of coal preparation plants
- Technical and commercial project development
- Negotiation of large supply contracts
- Responsibility for global sales and marketing activities
Peter Wolff
Peter is a trained steel construction and plant design engineer and has been working for over 30 years in the German Hard Coal Industry. During this time he worked as a project manager for the conversion or extension of existing cola preparation plants as well as the realization of completely new treatment plants. After leaving the coal industry he gained merits in various international consulting projects among others.
Experiences gained in previous positions:
- Basic plant design for a rock phosphate beneficiation plant in Algeria
- Basic plant design for the beneficiation of a titano-magnetite plant for Tebinbulak in Uzbekistan
- Basic Plant Design for the currently most modern and cost effective coking coal prep plant in Russia (commissioning 2018).
- Basic plant design for the expansion of a CPP of 1 mtpy of concentrate in Siberia
The hard rock is represented by (click on the name to see brief resumes):
Michael Loos
Michael has been working in the mining industry for more than 45 years, particularly in coal, iron ore, base metals and rock phosphate deposits. He spent more than 15 years of his career working in senior positions at RAG, Germany’s dominant hard coal producer and over 2 years as Senior Consultant for DMT GmbH & Co. KG, whereof almost a decade as Managing Director of DMT Consulting GmbH. From where he stepped out in 2019. Since that time, he is engaged with Jacobi & Partner and is driving the International Mining Consulting business of the company.During his career, Michael was involved in planning as well as in operations. As a process design engineer he was responsible for the technological development of the CPPs of “BAG Lippe” an operating company of RAG. Following this position Michael decided to change “the sides” and went into the operation of a 7 mtpy coking coal beneficiation plant as General Manager. After almost a decade in operations, the next step was into the international consulting business as a Senior Consultant with “Montan Consulting GmbH”, which was merged in the year 2000 with “DMT International GmbH” to “DMT Montan Consulting GmbH and in a later stage to “DMT Consulting GmbH”. Where he was until 2019 one of the Managing Directors. His particular strength lies in his senior management and engineering experience in processing projects of various nature (coal, iron ore, rock phosphate) as well as the successful business development and implementation of “mine to port” project all around the globe.
Michael holds excellent language and communications skills in German (+++), English (+++), French (++)
His experience gained from some of the previous, selected projects are listed below:
- Due Diligence Exercises for various Clients to preparing acquisition of assets
- Analyses of 2 coal processing plant of AcelorMittal Temirtau in Kazakhstan and development of modernization concepts to adjust process technology to changing market conditions
- Basic Design for a coking coal beneficiation plant of Uvalnaya, Kuzbass, Russia (in operation (5.0 mtpy)
- Bankable Feasibility Study for the development of Tebinbulak, titan0-magnetite deposit in Uzbekistan
- Basic Design for the iron ore processing for the Bankable Feasibility Study Expansion of the Shougang Hierro Perú S.A.A. iron ore mine, Peru
- Expert Witness at the International Commercial Court of Singapore in a dispute between Bayan Resources (IN) and White Energy (AUS) regarding the technical capability of binderless briquetting for Indonesian sub bituminous coals to successfully rejecting a 90 m$ claim of White Energy.
Dr. Jürgen Kowalewski
Jürgen has been working in the mining industry for more than 40 years, particularly in iron ore, base metals and gold deposits. He spent 20 years of his international career working in senior positions for German Metallgesellschaft AG and 20 years as Senior Consultant for DMT GmbH & Co. KG, recently as Principal Mining Engineer and Chief of DMT’s office in Peru. At present, he is associated to J&P for consulting projects in the coal and iron ore industry.
His strength lies in his senior management experience in business development, execution and successful implementation of mining engineering studies, including exploration, mine planning, and management of mining operations.
Execution of comprehensive bankable feasibility studies, pre-feasibility studies and independent engineer’s reports for international financing institutions and investors, as Project Manager leading multidisciplinary teams of experts, until successful project implementation valued above 1.0 billion €.
Long term working experience in developing countries, particularly in Latin America, Thailand, and Turkey.
Excellent language and communications skills (German, English, Spanish, French, Italian)
Experience gained in previous positions:
- Project Manager Bankable Feasibility Study FS expansion of the Shougang Hierro Perú S.A.A. iron ore mine, Peru
- Project Manager PFS for underground mine development of Yanacocha Au ore deposit, Peru
- Project Manager PFS Pampa de Pongo primary ore and iron sands ore bodies in Peru
- Project Manager PFS Process Development of the Tofo Iron Ore Project, La Serena, Chile
- Project Director Basic and Detailed Engineering support for expansion beneficiation plant of El Brocal Pb/Ag/Zn operation, Peru
- Project Manager Bankable Feasibility Study for Las Cruces open pit copper mine and SX/EW project, Spain
- Independent technical and feasibility review of lignite mine operation and 300 MW power plant at Saray, Turkey
- Director of Investment Bank for assistance to the Bolivian Government in privatization of Mutún iron ore mining concessions
Nikolaj Fehringer
Nikolaj Fehringer is J&P Eletrical Design Engineer with vast experience in the design and construction of coal beneficiation plants around the globe. His experience derives from CPP Projects out of Poland and Russia, where he responsibly designed the entire power supply and the entire automation issues for the plants.
His merits in particular are:
- Power supply and the PLC system including field devices and measurement selection for the CPP Janina in Upper Silesia, Poland (700 /h)
- Power Supply and PLC system field devices and measurement selection for CPP Jaworzno (750 t/h)
- Power supply and PLC System field devices and measurement selection for Tailings Re-processing Plant Polhö in Poland (120 t/h)
- Power supply and PLC System for a Coking Coal Preparation Plant in Siberia (700 t/h) for a confidential Client.
Dr. Ing. Ekkehart Mertins
Mr. Mertins is one of the most senior and knowledgeable experts for metalliferous minerals processing. He is working for more than 40 years in the field of mineral processing, main topic iron ores, but also for As, Cu, Ni, Cr, Pb/Zn, Ag, Ta, Nb and other raw materials. His efforts were focused on establishing of test procedures for investigating the beneficiation characteristics of the different ores and based on the results to find the most economic process for the recovery of marketable concentrates. These findings form the basis for the detailed flow sheet design and the process performance parameter. Based on his work a huge number of processing plant were realised. Another main topic of his work was and is the optimisation of mineral processing plants around the globe. During his career, he used to be the Managing Director of “Studiengesellschaft für Eisenerzaufbereitung” (SGA) in Othfresen, one of the most renowned iron ore research companies in the world. After resigning from this position he is associated to Jacobi & Partner Industrieberatung GmbH.
Responsibilities and main projects during the last 10 – 15 years:
- Western Area, Liberia, design of a processing plant, Arcelor Mittal
- Santo Domingo Sur, Chile, magnetite and hematite recovery from Cu flotation tailings by reverse flotation, Far West Mining, Canada
- Five Star Mining Honduras, flow sheet development
- Shougang Hierro Peru iron ore mine, extension for another 10 Mio t/year of final concentrate, process design, project is realized, magnetic separation and flotation for DMT
- Iron Ore project Côte d’Ivoire, establishing the process, IMC England (DMT), Tata Steel, India,
- Tofo iron ore project IMC/CMP (DMT), Chile, pre-feasibility study, magnetic separation and reverse flotation
- Assessment of the Pb/Zn processing plants in Kosovo, mainly flotation, for HPC International SAS
- Chiniot iron ore mine, Pakistan, establishing of an upgrading process magnetic separation and flotation for DMT
- Lodestone – Dorbabis, Namibia, flow sheet development, pre-feasibility study, on-going project
- Evaluation of the progress concerning reaching the design figures for the Guelb II iron ore processing plant, Mauritania, for the lenders via DMT Consulting Limited, ongoing project
- Establishing and assessment of tender documents for a 5 mio t/year iron ore processing plant for Suez Steel (LIPAT Groupe), magnetic separation and reverse flotation, evaluation of the bids of 4 different engineering companies for McLellan and Partners Ltd, Farnbourough Engineering Consultant Ltd, UK,
- Assessment of an iron ore processing plant in Norway for DMT Consulting Limited
- Assessment of a Tungsten process for Saxony Minerals & Exploration AG
- Leaching of an iron ore for P reduction, Mokhtar Groupe, Tunesia
Peter Wolff
Peter is a trained steel construction and plant design engineer and has been working for over 30 years in the German Hard Coal Industry. During this time he worked as a project manager for the conversion or extension of existing cola preparation plants as well as the realization of completely new treatment plants. After leaving the coal industry he gained merits in various international consulting projects among others.
Experiences gained in previous positions:
- Basic plant design for a rock phosphate beneficiation plant in Algeria
- Basic plant design for the beneficiation of a titano-magnetite plant for Tebinbulak in Uzbekistan
- Basic Plant Design for the currently most modern and cost effective coking coal prep plant in Russia (commissioning 2018).
- Basic plant design for the expansion of a CPP of 1 mtpy of concentrate in Siberia
The Experts you can rely on
J&P team member have all many years of experience and vast knowledge in both greenfield and expansion projects. Apart from managerial skills, a strong operational background distinguishes the team from other consultants. Therefore, the client not only receives an optimized technical solution, but an economically viable plan.
J&P has access to a global network of “best in field” specialists to analyze and optimize your case and provide the appropriate solution for the customer.
J&P specialists are familiar with most of the bulk minerals traded globally. This refers especially to hard coal, lignite, iron ore, rock phosphate et al.
We currently maintain 2 commodity teams, which are a a hard coal & lignite team and a hard rock team.
The hard coal is represented by (click on the name to see brief resumes):
Prof. Dr.-Ing Hans Jacobi
Mr Jacobi is the Managing Partner of Jacobi and Partner Industrieberatung GmbH. He has spent many years in senior management positions in the mining industry, including his most recent position of CEO of a Public Stock Corporation. During his tenor, Hans was responsible for production, restructuring of mines, development of new adjacent mines, as well as new-construction and restructuring of coking plants. He prepared, moderated and carried out extensive change processes under his control, and built up international business for the Group.
Responsibilities and experience as Chief Executive Officer:
- Operation of “Walsum Coal Mine”
- Planning and construction of the new coal mine “Voerde”
- Restructuring of coal preparation plants
- Responsible for 7 coal mines and 5 coking plants
- Experience in explosion and flameproof protection
- Experience in operational safety and environmental protection at mining
sites, metallurgy and coking plants - Experience in concluding large, complex, new development and restructuring
Dr.-Ing. Joachim Geisler
Joachim has worked in the mining industry for more than 30 years. He started his career in operations of a deep level coalmine, and rose to the level of general mine manager. With this operational background, he successfully re-positioned a German longwall supplier in US. Together with is team, he made his company the market leader for United States and Australian underground mines. His experience in open pit mines has been gleaned from his 10 year tenure as CEO of a lignite producer in Mid Germany.
Joachim has been involved in successfully concluding many M&A projects in Australia, USA, South America, Poland and Germany.
During his career, he has occupied the following positions:
COO of all German underground coalmines holding,
CEO of a 3 billion € company in the energy, environmental and restructuring business.
Responsibilities and experience:
- Strong leadership in operations of midsize and large companies
- Excellent track record in restructuring of coal companies and longwall equipment supplier in Germany, Poland, USA and Australia
- Successful M&A projects concluded in Germany, USA, Canada, Australia and South America
Michael Loos
Michael has been working in the mining industry for more than 45 years, particularly in coal, iron ore, base metals and rock phosphate deposits. He spent more than 15 years of his career working in senior positions at RAG, Germany’s dominant hard coal producer and over 2 years as Senior Consultant for DMT GmbH & Co. KG, whereof almost a decade as Managing Director of DMT Consulting GmbH. From where he stepped out in 2019. Since that time, he is engaged with Jacobi & Partner and is driving the International Mining Consulting business of the company.During his career, Michael was involved in planning as well as in operations. As a process design engineer he was responsible for the technological development of the CPPs of “BAG Lippe” an operating company of RAG. Following this position Michael decided to change “the sides” and went into the operation of a 7 mtpy coking coal beneficiation plant as General Manager. After almost a decade in operations, the next step was into the international consulting business as a Senior Consultant with “Montan Consulting GmbH”, which was merged in the year 2000 with “DMT International GmbH” to “DMT Montan Consulting GmbH and in a later stage to “DMT Consulting GmbH”. Where he was until 2019 one of the Managing Directors. His particular strength lies in his senior management and engineering experience in processing projects of various nature (coal, iron ore, rock phosphate) as well as the successful business development and implementation of “mine to port” project all around the globe.
Michael holds excellent language and communications skills in German (+++), English (+++), French (++)
His experience gained from some of the previous, selected projects are listed below:
- Due Diligence Exercises for various Clients to preparing acquisition of assets
- Analyses of 2 coal processing plant of AcelorMittal Temirtau in Kazakhstan and development of modernization concepts to adjust process technology to changing market conditions
- Basic Design for a coking coal beneficiation plant of Uvalnaya, Kuzbass, Russia (in operation (5.0 mtpy)
- Bankable Feasibility Study for the development of Tebinbulak, titan0-magnetite deposit in Uzbekistan
- Basic Design for the iron ore processing for the Bankable Feasibility Study Expansion of the Shougang Hierro Perú S.A.A. iron ore mine, Peru
- Expert Witness at the International Commercial Court of Singapore in a dispute between Bayan Resources (IN) and White Energy (AUS) regarding the technical capability of binderless briquetting for Indonesian sub bituminous coals to successfully rejecting a 90 m$ claim of White Energy.
Dipl.-Ing. Jochen Schwerdtfeger
Jochen Schwerdtfeger is Mining and Process Engineer, with graduation from Clausthal Mining University. He started his 40 years of career in coal and minerals processing with KHD Humbold Wedag AG as Process Engineer, commissioning coal preparation plants all over the world. He went through several senior management positions up to CEO of KHD’s global Coal Processing activities, and kept that position when McNally Bharat took over KHD’s Coal and Minerals business lateron. Actual he is Owner and Senior Consultant of the CCMP (Consultancy Coal & Minerals Processes), which is active in all fields of Coal and Minerals beneficiation, from first feasibility studies via planning up to commissioning of systems and complete plants.
Experiences gained in previous positions:
- Commissioning and Operation of “Fankechuang Coal Washery”, China, 2 years
- Research studies in Coal, mainly in flotation and jig improvement
- Development of highly efficient dewatering filters and centrifuges
- Planning of beneficiation plants for coal and minerals all over the world
- Research and planning in efficient deshaling plants for raw coal, mine mouth
- Development of recycling projects for coal and metal dumps and ponds
- Restructuring of coal preparation plants
- Technical and commercial project development
- Negotiation of large supply contracts
- Responsibility for global sales and marketing activities
Peter Wolff
Peter is a trained steel construction and plant design engineer and has been working for over 30 years in the German Hard Coal Industry. During this time he worked as a project manager for the conversion or extension of existing cola preparation plants as well as the realization of completely new treatment plants. After leaving the coal industry he gained merits in various international consulting projects among others.
Experiences gained in previous positions:
- Basic plant design for a rock phosphate beneficiation plant in Algeria
- Basic plant design for the beneficiation of a titano-magnetite plant for Tebinbulak in Uzbekistan
- Basic Plant Design for the currently most modern and cost effective coking coal prep plant in Russia (commissioning 2018).
- Basic plant design for the expansion of a CPP of 1 mtpy of concentrate in Siberia
The hard rock is represented by (click on the name to see brief resumes):
Michael Loos
Michael has been working in the mining industry for more than 45 years, particularly in coal, iron ore, base metals and rock phosphate deposits. He spent more than 15 years of his career working in senior positions at RAG, Germany’s dominant hard coal producer and over 2 years as Senior Consultant for DMT GmbH & Co. KG, whereof almost a decade as Managing Director of DMT Consulting GmbH. From where he stepped out in 2019. Since that time, he is engaged with Jacobi & Partner and is driving the International Mining Consulting business of the company.During his career, Michael was involved in planning as well as in operations. As a process design engineer he was responsible for the technological development of the CPPs of “BAG Lippe” an operating company of RAG. Following this position Michael decided to change “the sides” and went into the operation of a 7 mtpy coking coal beneficiation plant as General Manager. After almost a decade in operations, the next step was into the international consulting business as a Senior Consultant with “Montan Consulting GmbH”, which was merged in the year 2000 with “DMT International GmbH” to “DMT Montan Consulting GmbH and in a later stage to “DMT Consulting GmbH”. Where he was until 2019 one of the Managing Directors. His particular strength lies in his senior management and engineering experience in processing projects of various nature (coal, iron ore, rock phosphate) as well as the successful business development and implementation of “mine to port” project all around the globe.
Michael holds excellent language and communications skills in German (+++), English (+++), French (++)
His experience gained from some of the previous, selected projects are listed below:
- Due Diligence Exercises for various Clients to preparing acquisition of assets
- Analyses of 2 coal processing plant of AcelorMittal Temirtau in Kazakhstan and development of modernization concepts to adjust process technology to changing market conditions
- Basic Design for a coking coal beneficiation plant of Uvalnaya, Kuzbass, Russia (in operation (5.0 mtpy)
- Bankable Feasibility Study for the development of Tebinbulak, titan0-magnetite deposit in Uzbekistan
- Basic Design for the iron ore processing for the Bankable Feasibility Study Expansion of the Shougang Hierro Perú S.A.A. iron ore mine, Peru
- Expert Witness at the International Commercial Court of Singapore in a dispute between Bayan Resources (IN) and White Energy (AUS) regarding the technical capability of binderless briquetting for Indonesian sub bituminous coals to successfully rejecting a 90 m$ claim of White Energy.
Dr. Jürgen Kowalewski
Jürgen has been working in the mining industry for more than 40 years, particularly in iron ore, base metals and gold deposits. He spent 20 years of his international career working in senior positions for German Metallgesellschaft AG and 20 years as Senior Consultant for DMT GmbH & Co. KG, recently as Principal Mining Engineer and Chief of DMT’s office in Peru. At present, he is associated to J&P for consulting projects in the coal and iron ore industry.
His strength lies in his senior management experience in business development, execution and successful implementation of mining engineering studies, including exploration, mine planning, and management of mining operations.
Execution of comprehensive bankable feasibility studies, pre-feasibility studies and independent engineer’s reports for international financing institutions and investors, as Project Manager leading multidisciplinary teams of experts, until successful project implementation valued above 1.0 billion €.
Long term working experience in developing countries, particularly in Latin America, Thailand, and Turkey.
Excellent language and communications skills (German, English, Spanish, French, Italian)
Experience gained in previous positions:
- Project Manager Bankable Feasibility Study FS expansion of the Shougang Hierro Perú S.A.A. iron ore mine, Peru
- Project Manager PFS for underground mine development of Yanacocha Au ore deposit, Peru
- Project Manager PFS Pampa de Pongo primary ore and iron sands ore bodies in Peru
- Project Manager PFS Process Development of the Tofo Iron Ore Project, La Serena, Chile
- Project Director Basic and Detailed Engineering support for expansion beneficiation plant of El Brocal Pb/Ag/Zn operation, Peru
- Project Manager Bankable Feasibility Study for Las Cruces open pit copper mine and SX/EW project, Spain
- Independent technical and feasibility review of lignite mine operation and 300 MW power plant at Saray, Turkey
- Director of Investment Bank for assistance to the Bolivian Government in privatization of Mutún iron ore mining concessions
Nikolaj Fehringer
Nikolaj Fehringer is J&P Eletrical Design Engineer with vast experience in the design and construction of coal beneficiation plants around the globe. His experience derives from CPP Projects out of Poland and Russia, where he responsibly designed the entire power supply and the entire automation issues for the plants.
His merits in particular are:
- Power supply and the PLC system including field devices and measurement selection for the CPP Janina in Upper Silesia, Poland (700 /h)
- Power Supply and PLC system field devices and measurement selection for CPP Jaworzno (750 t/h)
- Power supply and PLC System field devices and measurement selection for Tailings Re-processing Plant Polhö in Poland (120 t/h)
- Power supply and PLC System for a Coking Coal Preparation Plant in Siberia (700 t/h) for a confidential Client.
Dr. Ing. Ekkehart Mertins
Mr. Mertins is one of the most senior and knowledgeable experts for metalliferous minerals processing. He is working for more than 40 years in the field of mineral processing, main topic iron ores, but also for As, Cu, Ni, Cr, Pb/Zn, Ag, Ta, Nb and other raw materials. His efforts were focused on establishing of test procedures for investigating the beneficiation characteristics of the different ores and based on the results to find the most economic process for the recovery of marketable concentrates. These findings form the basis for the detailed flow sheet design and the process performance parameter. Based on his work a huge number of processing plant were realised. Another main topic of his work was and is the optimisation of mineral processing plants around the globe. During his career, he used to be the Managing Director of “Studiengesellschaft für Eisenerzaufbereitung” (SGA) in Othfresen, one of the most renowned iron ore research companies in the world. After resigning from this position he is associated to Jacobi & Partner Industrieberatung GmbH.
Responsibilities and main projects during the last 10 – 15 years:
- Western Area, Liberia, design of a processing plant, Arcelor Mittal
- Santo Domingo Sur, Chile, magnetite and hematite recovery from Cu flotation tailings by reverse flotation, Far West Mining, Canada
- Five Star Mining Honduras, flow sheet development
- Shougang Hierro Peru iron ore mine, extension for another 10 Mio t/year of final concentrate, process design, project is realized, magnetic separation and flotation for DMT
- Iron Ore project Côte d’Ivoire, establishing the process, IMC England (DMT), Tata Steel, India,
- Tofo iron ore project IMC/CMP (DMT), Chile, pre-feasibility study, magnetic separation and reverse flotation
- Assessment of the Pb/Zn processing plants in Kosovo, mainly flotation, for HPC International SAS
- Chiniot iron ore mine, Pakistan, establishing of an upgrading process magnetic separation and flotation for DMT
- Lodestone – Dorbabis, Namibia, flow sheet development, pre-feasibility study, on-going project
- Evaluation of the progress concerning reaching the design figures for the Guelb II iron ore processing plant, Mauritania, for the lenders via DMT Consulting Limited, ongoing project
- Establishing and assessment of tender documents for a 5 mio t/year iron ore processing plant for Suez Steel (LIPAT Groupe), magnetic separation and reverse flotation, evaluation of the bids of 4 different engineering companies for McLellan and Partners Ltd, Farnbourough Engineering Consultant Ltd, UK,
- Assessment of an iron ore processing plant in Norway for DMT Consulting Limited
- Assessment of a Tungsten process for Saxony Minerals & Exploration AG
- Leaching of an iron ore for P reduction, Mokhtar Groupe, Tunesia
Peter Wolff
Peter is a trained steel construction and plant design engineer and has been working for over 30 years in the German Hard Coal Industry. During this time he worked as a project manager for the conversion or extension of existing cola preparation plants as well as the realization of completely new treatment plants. After leaving the coal industry he gained merits in various international consulting projects among others.
Experiences gained in previous positions:
- Basic plant design for a rock phosphate beneficiation plant in Algeria
- Basic plant design for the beneficiation of a titano-magnetite plant for Tebinbulak in Uzbekistan
- Basic Plant Design for the currently most modern and cost effective coking coal prep plant in Russia (commissioning 2018).
- Basic plant design for the expansion of a CPP of 1 mtpy of concentrate in Siberia
Eichendorffstr. 5 i
46242 Bottrop
Phone: +49 2041 308540-1
Fax: +49 2041 308540-6
E-Mail: mining@jacobi-partner.de